
Showing posts from April, 2016

fear of G-d

Keating says that fear doesn't help to create a relationship with G-d and that role of religion is to help to create that relationship. For centuries religion created fear in people. Sometimes religion can be an obstacle to the relationship with G-d. And yet, it can be the best way to help someone to have that relationship.

cosmic hospitality

Cosmic Christ is Christ’s hospitality … Christ means anointed. Christ’s hospitality means anointed hospitality – hospitality of relationship. I and you are together in union for the moment of being in the presence of each other. Anointed hospitality means that we are in the presence of each other all the time. You and I are that hospitality. That hospitality has been manifested in the person of Jesus Christ. This is what I get from Fr. Thomas Keating 

Don't limit Jesus

There are some of us who like to live in a box. And, there are some of us who like to put others into box.  As a religious person I need to make sure I don't do this with my teachers and with my religion and especially with G-d that I believe in. By the definition my believe in G-d does not make sense - One in three plus human and divine. My believe in G-d is above any definition. 

Jesus the Palestinian Jew

"Jesus of Nazareth, himself, was not a Christian (a simple fact that I’ve seen folks turn somersaults trying to contradict). And Jesus of Nazareth, that wondrous and mystifying Palestinian Jew whom some of us believe was none other than the Christ of God, died a victim of political, religious and imperial violence." This is a very interesting article. It makes us think about Jesus, America and Muslims and violence