
Showing posts from May, 2015

Jesus is a religious materialist!

Richard Rohr, OFM: "The Gospel is not a fire insurance policy for the next world, but a life assurance policy for this world." This is a different way of looking at the Gospels. They are not about the other World but about this World. In Christianity sometimes we are more focused on "other" rather than on what we have. Let us not worry too much about heaven. Let us worry about the earth. Even in the prayer that Jesus taught us we find this same attitude: “Our Father, Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread , and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen.” Jesus wants us to create the heavenly reality here on this earth.  The kingdom is not about the heaven or life after the earthy experience but it is all about the earthly experience.  This whole prayer

Spiritual memories ...

For the last few days I have been working on my spiritual autobiography.  Wow! It is a great and powerful experience.  It helps me to go back to my past and look at how God was present in my life.  I look at the events, feelings, thoughts and desires.  Some events/memories bring me to other memories and thoughts feelings and desires.  What I like the most from the process is  looking at my past from a holistic point of view.  Also, to see how far I went away from some of my original desires of why and when and how I felt being called by God to his ministry.  The questions that help me to work on my autobiography are great. They were sent to me by the Mid – West Jesuit Province. My spiritual director is a Jesuit.  “Here are some questions to guide your reflection and writing: Ø   Describe your family of origin, and your early years. Ø   What role did your parents, sisters and/or brothers play in your childhood? Ø   Who, and what events, were most influential in your

Believing or manifesting

St. John of God  Manifested Christ through his behavior!  In Christianity there is a big emphasis on believing but the first Christians were more interested in being part of the New Way of Living than just in the new way of believing.  They were much more interested in the manifestation of Christ through their own way of life than through their way of thinking or believing.     In Christianity God became physical so that the word could learn that physical is important.  Now, in modern Christianity we are emphasizing spiritual or intellectual more than physical.  Well, perhaps it is time to go back to the origins of Christianity: let us go back to the physical. Richard Rohr, OFM wrote in his reflection for today: “Abba Isidore of Pelusia said, "To live without speaking is better than to speak without living. For the former who lives rightly does good even by his silence but the latter does no good even when he speaks.”