Believing or manifesting

St. John of God 
Manifested Christ through his behavior! 

In Christianity there is a big emphasis on believing but the first Christians were more interested in being part of the New Way of Living than just in the new way of believing.  They were much more interested in the manifestation of Christ through their own way of life than through their way of thinking or believing.    

In Christianity God became physical so that the word could learn that physical is important.  Now, in modern Christianity we are emphasizing spiritual or intellectual more than physical.  Well, perhaps it is time to go back to the origins of Christianity: let us go back to the physical.

Richard Rohr, OFM wrote in his reflection for today: “Abba Isidore of Pelusia said, "To live without speaking is better than to speak without living. For the former who lives rightly does good even by his silence but the latter does no good even when he speaks.”  


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