God is our Self

Brother David Steindl-Rast challenges my view on God. He makes a statement that God is a direction. He is a direction to find oneself in God. He quotes Thomas Merton by saying that we look for God insight of oneself and not outside of oneself. In some way our self is God. That self is the image of God in us. If this is our way of understanding God then we are able to experience God all the time.  That all the time means, when we connect with our self.
St. Ignatius said that our deepest desires are the desires God has for us.  Anything that points into our deepest experiences is the experience of God.

I am very happy I had teachers like St. Ignatius, Merton, Steindl-Rest, and many others. I am gifted with teachers. Now, I need to learn how to practice what I know. This is the best pilgrimage and journey I can make. 


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