Fr. Lemanski vs Theocracy

Wojciech Lemanki is a Polish priest who got into trouble.  He has been involved in the Catholic Jewish dialogue and was outspoken about the abuses in the Church and the right for women/family for in vitro fertilization. Just to make myself clear here, I am not taking any stand on in vitro fertilization.  

It looks like for some people there is no freedom of thought and speech in the Church.  The bishop of Fr. Lemanki did not like what one of his employees/coworkers was saying so Lemanski no longer works for him. 

Yes, the priests should be instructing people in the teaching of the Church but there has to be a place and space for priests to verbalize their own thoughts and be able to think in a creative and a critical way. 

I think we should be scared of theocracy in any form.  This idea does not want people to be able to think on their own and to have a space for  internal discussion.    


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