Francis Divides Atheists

all are atheists

“Nobody can accuse the Catholic Church of being democratic, but as an atheist I’ll paraphrase Winston Churchill’s remark about democracy: Pope Francis is the worst pope we ever had, except for all the others. I’m no papal historian, but I’m pressed to think of a less bad pope. True, I have nothing bad to say about Pope John Paul I, perhaps because he was pope for only 33 days.
Although Pope Benedict XVI unified atheists whenever he made pronouncements on atheists, gays, pedophilia, and all matters sexual, his successor, Pope Francis, is a divider rather than a uniter within the atheist community. Some atheists see this pope glass as 1/10 full, while others see it as 9/10 empty.(By Herb Silverman)”

I like Mr. Silverman’s statement. I think it is good that some religious people challenge some atheists and that some atheists find something interesting and good among religious people. I hope also, that the religious people are being challenged by the atheists and find some good among them and in them.  Pope Francis can be a good example of how to do this.  

Personally, I consider myself religiously humanist. I am being nourished by religious and humanistic thought. I am finding both perspectives of life very interesting and nourishing. And, I am finding both of them being true. If people involved in those two perspectives do their job of describing reality and discovering it with a total honesty they are true. Perhaps, this is my phenomenological appreciation. I believe those people talk about this same reality but from two different perspectives and use different words and explanations.  

Religious and Atheists might not be that different.


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