we need american myths

American Myth

“Western rationalism no longer understands myths and their importance. Although almost all historic cultures valued myths, we are the obvious exception. Western culture has replaced these effective and healing story lines with ineffective, cruel, and disorienting narratives like communism, fascism, terrorism, capitalism, and consumerism. Each in its own way is a watertight explanation and refuses any outside critique. (Richard Rohr: Myths, Tuesday, September 29, 2015)”

Few months ago I attended a workshop at the Archdiocese of Chicago about social justice. It was good and bad at the same time.  The good was that we got together and we spoke about how to create small groups.  The bad was that this workshop wanted to prove that all the American Dreams are no longer true. I did not like that.

My dad came to America in 1985.  By 2015 my family lives the American Dream. We love America and we try to build this nation and serve this nation and keep the Dream going. I am a naturalized American. I would consider myself politically more liberal but I believe in the American Constitution, in the American Founding Fathers and the American Dream. In some way it is a religious dream. I do believe that some providence blessed us with the United States of America. Everyone in the U.S. should be taught the Founding history of our Nation.  


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