i am not other than god

“‘Guardini says that it's a principle of logic that A cannot be B at the same time and in the same respect that it's A. . . . Likewise, God is the Creator and we are the creature. And yet, Guardini adds, 'Although I am not God, I am not other than God either.' He says the direct intuitive realization that although I am not God, I am not other than God either, fans out in all directions. Although I am not you, I am not other than you either. Although I am not the earth, I am not other than the earth, either. As this soaks into me, what are the implications of this in the way I act in the world, in relationships with other people?’(Richard Rohr: Unitive Consciousness, Monday, September 7, 2015)”

Relationships.... This is something very interesting. Following Guardini’s thought, that if I am able to enter into some relationship with the other, the other cannot be much different than I am.  Well, that make sense. We are able to enter into the relationship when there is a natural attraction and openness on both sites. People enter into the relationship with each other whenever they have ability, need or desire to do that.  People and animals enter into the relationship out of this same experience: ability, need and desire.  But, also the earth/nature and people enter into the relationship out of this same experience: ability, need and desire. There is a natural attraction and openness on both sites to be in relationship.  

The relationship can help us to grow and become a better creature or we can exploit a relationship and create some “monster” out of it, and by doing this, to destroy that relationship and each other.  As human rase who is able to be spiritual we enter into spiritual relationship with the world, people and Otherly Other. In that relationship there is this same experience: ability, need and desire. By spiritual I mean that reality that can be satisfied and nurtured by transcendental principles of good, beauty and truth.  


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