God Not In The BOX


God is bigger than anyone is able to think and say anything about God.  I do not want to even use any pronouns.  When we put pronoun to God we put God into box. 

We do not need to liberate God.  What we need to do is to liberate our understanding and our language of God. 

I think that the LGBTQ community brings a great gift to the faith groups.  It challenges the status quo. 

Recently, two Catholic bishops write two very different letters regarding the Catholic approach to LGBTQ people in loving and committed relationships.  Bishop of Springfield, IL was very exclusivist - no SSR (Same Sex Relationship) people are able to participate actively in the life of his diocese. The bishop of San Jose, CA welcomed people from SSR into actively participating in the life of his diocese.


The Church no longer has any stand on the LGBTQ community.  This is good.  But, it would be better if the Church would affirm the LGBTQ community.  Now, the LGBTQ community needs to decide on its own how to be Catholic. 


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