
I read an article about vocations in the Vision Vocation Guide.  It was by two nuns who gave me a totally different perspective on answering to God’s call.  These are the two paragraphs from this article:

As the two women discuss the issues this question raises, neither sister is trying to push the listener into the convent. Just because someone is interested in prayer and spirituality, they point out, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re called to religious life.

“Maybe this is a call to be open to any number of directions God might be calling you,” said Kollasch. “I think it’s safe to say that God is calling you somehow to a deeper relationship with Godself,” Vieira said. ‘You don’t have to answer the question: ‘Should I be a nun?’ Instead we can go with what we can be sure of, which is that God wants to know you, maybe in a new or deeper way.”

I cannot stop thinking about this definition.  I became a priest because I was attracted to ministry and to some priests.  I wanted to be like them.  Yes, there was some attraction towards God but… Now, when I am no longer experiencing this same thing attractions, I need to find another reason that holds me in ministry or ….. I need to look for something different.  If I want to have a meaningful life and vocation, the reason why I stay in ministry and priesthood has to be different from the reason why I came to ministry and priesthood.  My love for God and attraction to God has to be that reason.  


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