Happy Independence Day - my American experience

I became a citizen of the United States in 2008.  This was a great time for me.  For the first time I felt being totally united with my American people.  However, I never felt like I was looked down by my teachers or classmates or neighbors before I became a seminarian and a priest. 

When I was in the seminary I was considered an international seminarian.  They called me a Polish seminarian.  When I became a priest the people - priests in the church started to call me an international priest or a Polish priest.   

Yes, I am Polish.  But also, I am an American.  When I became a priest I was already an American.  I had an American passport and I was proud of that.  So, I have to stop people to call me a Polish priest or a Polish boy.  I am a Polish – American priest and a boy.  And I am proud of that.
May America be blessed.  I am so happy I live in the United States of America and I can contribute to this beautiful country. 

Happy 4th of July. 


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