BERNSTEIN MASS - Jew commenting on Christian theology

 At the time when the world is challenged by the fights between different religious people it is something very good that a person of other tradition is inspired to create a very interesting and original commentary on believes of another religious tradition.  Here, Bernstein took something that was very important to Christians – the Mass, and created his own artistic interpretation of it.  An artist is much freer to do that than a liturgies or a theologian.  He put life and energy into it.  The role of a celebrant who has a breakdown was the summary humanity. He created that Mass in honor of J.F. Kennedy.

For me as a Catholic priest this interpretation of Mass is going to change the way how I will celebrate it. I will bring my brokenness into it. Jesus can be understood the best by his own people.  Mr. Bernstein, thank you for your gift. 

This is a good discussion about the Bernstein Mass between Catholics and Jews. The speakers give interesting perspectives about their own experiences and thoughts of it. 


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