time with g-d

Time with god…

Sometimes I wonder who and what is god. I know, I am a Catholic priest and I should know the answer to this question but I don’t know it. I know what my church teaches about it. However, from my experience god is bigger than what my church wants me to believe about him/her/it/them/us.
As a Christian I look at god from my experience of Jesus. He is in the center of the way I relate to god. Why Jesus? Because I was born Catholic and this is my faith. If I would be born in the Middle East I would be Muslim. If I would be born India I would be a Hindu. If I would be born in the Jewish household I would be a Jew. If I would be born in Japan I would be Shinto/Buddhist.  If I would be born in an atheistic family I would be an atheist, etc…  

I challenge myself as a Christian to appreciate other views of g-d and other ways of relating to him/her/it/them/ us.  So, what do I do with g-d?

1)      I try to discover g-d in myself and others – to look for that divine spark
2)      I try to see g-d in the material world as I  know that is behind everything in the universe
3)      I try to relate to g-d in a very honest way and be honest with g-d about myself
4)      I try not to have much expectations from g-d
5)      I try to just be with g-d
6)      I try to see g-d as something other and higher than I but at the same time closer to me than I can even imagine

The one thing I need to make sure is that this relationship will not become something that is just purely abstract and not relational at all. It has to cover all four dimensions of my life: thoughts, feelings, desires and actions.  


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